Saturday, August 9, 2008

a first for me

I just finished my first triathlon! Hooray! It was a sprint triathlon, but, nonetheless, I did it. I'm proud of myself because I'm not an earlier riser, and I had to train for this before work because of heat and monsoon rains in the afternoon. Not only was it fun, in a painful sort of a way, but I had the chance to talk to some interesting people. The lady in front of me for the swim and also at my bike rack was a 63 year old woman who appeared to be in excellent shape. All I know is she finished before me, as I saw her back multiple times...There was also a kids triathlon before the adult event, which was a blast to watch. Oh, the race faces they put on, so intense and focused, I would have loved to take any one of those little athletes home with me. I may see if we can arrange for one of those around here next summer to give the kids a goal to work towards; I know that helps motivate me.
Anyway, I'm pretty tired, and I think I'm still a bit dehydrated, so off I go to my water bottle and to dreams of faster races...

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